From Birmingham City Centre
- Take the A456 (signpost Kidderminster) out of the city
- At the junction of the M5 go underneath the motorway still following the signs for Kidderminster
- After the fourth roundabout descend the steep hill past the traffic light junction with the A491 (Stourbridge) and turn almost immediately left (Aston Martin car show room on corner)
- After 200 metres turn left into Hall Lane
- The entrance to Hagley Mews are 200 metres on the left
From the Motorway:
- Leave the M5 at junction 4 (A491), turning left following the signs for Stourbridge
- At the second roundabout (A456) turn right as though going back the way you’ve come but the turn left into Park Road
- Over the staggered crossroads by the Lyttleton pub, into Hall Lane
- The main gates to Hagley Mews are 200 metres on the left
We offer ample free parking. When you have parked, walk through the large archway of the main Mews building to the courtyard, S3 Medical Aesthetics is on the left hand side.