Non-Surgical Blemish Removal.
If you have ever felt embarrassed by what you feel are unsightly skin blemishes on your face or body, then please make an appointment now for a private consultation. Clinical Director, Sarah-Jane will discuss your concerns, explain the process used and offer you a tailor made treatment plan.
S3 Skin and Laser are able to treat a wide range of skin blemishes easily and effectively, with minimal skin reaction, offering our clients a safe and proven route to improved skin confidence.
ACP ( Advanced Cosmetic Procedures) using electrolysis are becoming most sought after,with results often being instantaneous.
We can offer one of the most effective methods of treatment with minimal after care for a wide variety of blemishes including broken capillaries,blood spots,skin tags and milia.
So, learn to love your skin again and discover even more at S3 Skin and Laser …call 01562 882127 to book your free consultation