Faster and lighter are the qualities many of us look for in a car, a laptop, and our bodies when we’re running a marathon. They’re also the prized attributes of skin care serums; light, fast-absorbing liquids are the favoured alternative or in addition to creams and lotions. Aspect Dr provides the results that physician’s expect through a simple, easy to use regimen. This is achieved through the use of active multi-ingredient serums targeted towards skin care concerns with a goal to normalise and address the cause of the concern.
The biggest difference between a serum and a cream or lotion is what the formulation doesn’t include. Serums leave out occlusive, or airtight, moisturising ingredients. They also contain fewer lubricating and thickening agents, like nut or seed oils. The ingredients within our Aspect Dr range are Chrially corrected, to ensure maximum absorption without the irritation often associated with active ingredients. After chiral correction there is less chance of irritation and free radical production, with faster uptake of the ingredient into the cell, and the effectiveness of the ingredient is increased.
Serums are a top pick of many skin care pros. Skin Matrix skin expert Amy Thorpe says “I think everyone is doing their skin a disservice if they don’t have a great serum in their daily routine.” Because active ingredients are more expensive than thickeners, serums are also the costliest product in many skin care lines. When applied properly, our 30ml serums will last months due to our 1 metered dosage. Those few concentrated drops are super-efficient. Serums are made of very small molecules, so the skin absorbs them quickly and deeply.
S3 Skin and Laser is proud to stock an extensive range of Aspect Dr Products for all your skin needs.