Fed up in February? Let S3 Skin and Laser give you an ‘instant lift’ with our great offers…

S3 Skin and Laser’s brilliant beautician Julie has some amazing offers to ‘lift away’ that fed-up February feeling…

Experience the beauty of the ‘Instant ‘Range, and treat yourself to an ’Instant Lift LED facial’

Cleanse and exfoliate with brand new Instant products, application of the new HA serum, 30 mins of light therapy, and tinted Instant SPF moisturiser to go..

Just £35…and get 10% off any Instant products purchased on the day.

Dr. Jules Nabet Revitaxin or LBoxin mini treat….experience the feel of these unique products in a taster facial, combined with our favourite red light therapy…a perfect combination to relax and soothe you….and lift your spirits.

£40, to include a glass of Prosecco and  skin care sample to take home….(or 3 for £99).

Call now on 01562 882127 or email enquiries@s3skinandlaser.co.uk
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