Great Winter Offer for IPL Treatments at S3 Skin and Laser

Your skin is the outfit you wear everyday….IPL will keep it looking like new and at S3 we have a great deal going on…

***Special Winter Offer***  

  • 1 treatment full face   £95 (normally £120)
  • 3x treatments               £250
  • 5x treatments               £350.

Facial imperfections can detract from your well being and appearance, no matter how healthy and young you feel.

IPL Photo-Facials at S3 help restore the skin’s youthful look..the ultimate 30 minute treatment, with technology proven to provide long term improvement of complexion and skin tone and texture.

But what actually is it and how does it work? IPL is an intense, pulsed low-fluence (or density) light used in a non-abrasive way to rejuvenate the skin. During treatment that takes about 30 minutes, light pulses are directed evenly over the skin. The light passes through the epidermis and penetrates deeper into the dermis where the pulsed light energy stimulates cells called fibroblasts to produce fresh collagen. Over several treatments, this new collagen smooths and softens the appearance of wrinkles, pores and textural irregularities. It also treats sun-damaged skin with pigmentation abnormalities, spider veins and rosacea, which absorb the light and are damaged until they fade from view

The IPL technology helps create smoother looking skin and offers a safe non-invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction through a process called photorejuvenation.

This treatment will correct a variety of skin imperfection including the visible signs of photo-ageing, small veins, pigmentation and sun damage …outcome…a clearer, brighter, smoother more youthful complexion

A photofacial, or “fotofacial,” is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL™ photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines.. Most benefits of a photofacial/fotofacial occur gradually in the weeks following treatment. The winter months are the perfect time to complete a course of IPL facial treatments

Generally, a series of 3-6 treatments done approximately 4 weeks apart will achieve optimal results..

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